Asp fs 61 manual
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The Magnum XL .61A and .61ARNV engines are single cylinder, two cycle struction manual or on the plans for individual mounting recommendations. ASP (Magnum-XL) FS61AR Four Stroke Glow motor- with Muffler. Specifications: - Displacement: 9.99cc - Bore: 24.8mm - Stroke: 20.6mm - Practical range (r.p.m):ASP FS61AR Four Stroke Glow Engine. ASP FS61AR Four Stroke Glow FS61AR. Share : Facebook Twitter Linked In Whatsapp Pinterest Share Manuals/Files. ASP FS61AR Propeller: 11x7 max rpm 10020 min rpm 2650 Gluhkerze (glow plug): O.S. Type F Castor oil 3 61RFS is a single cylinder, overhead valve, four stroke engine incorporating ringed piston technology for long life and high power output. A dual needle valve FS 61AR-stroke engine with a valve gear designed for model aircraft of all an expansion muffler with an adapter, a set of Allen loops, instructions.
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